Tournament with long thinking time
Playing conditions: Hardware: i7-6700HQ (2.6 GHz) Notebook (Quadcore), Windows 10 64bit, 12GB RAM
Fritzmark: 4 cores / 7 threads: 18.4 / 8825 (CPU-speed reduced to 99% (to switch off the Intel Turbo Boost))Hash: 4 GB per engineGUI: Fritz 13 GUI (no draw, no resign)
Tablebases: None for the engines, 3-5 Nalimov for GUIOpenings: My 10 moves SALC V2.0 opening-book. Download it [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Ponder, Large Memory Pages: OffThinking time: 20'+5'' per game/engine (average game-duration: 52', so around 30 games per day are played). Average thinking time in the middlegame is around 40'' per move. Houdini calculates around 7.5 meganodes per second in early midgame (all engines running with 7 hyperthreading-threads, when thinking). So the played games are high-quality-chess. Number of games played (current participants): 218 (updated: 2017/06/03) Download all played games [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Current participants: asmFish 170522 (same release-date as Komodo 11.01), Komodo 11.01, Houdini 5. Contempt set to +15 (means: Contempt=1 for Houdini 5 (!!!)) for all engines. Round Robin (asmFish 170522, Komodo 11.01, Houdini 5) (Ordo-calculations fixed to Houdini 5 = 3350 Elo)
Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
1 asmFishW_2017-05-22_bmi2 : 3456 27 27 145 63.4 % 3359 55.2 %
2 Komodo 11.01 64-bit ..... : 3369 27 27 146 45.2 % 3403 50.7 %
3 Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext ...... : 3350 28 28 145 41.4 % 3412 52.4 %
All played games on the Intel Skylake Notebook (i7-6700HQ (2.6 GHz)):
Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
1 asmFishW_2017-05-22_bmi2 : 3456 40 40 145 63.4 % 3359 55.2 %
2 asmFishW_2016-12-17_bmi2 : 3430 16 16 1551 61.1 % 3350 56.6 %
3 asmFishW_2017-04-26_bmi2 : 3425 26 26 366 59.8 % 3355 62.8 %
4 asmFishW_2017-03-15_bmi2 : 3424 20 20 861 59.7 % 3355 59.7 %
5 Komodo 11.01 64-bit : 3369 41 41 146 45.2 % 3403 50.7 %
< komodo buyer
6 Komodo 10.4 64-bit : 3360 16 16 1228 46.2 % 3387 59.6 %
7 Komodo 10.3 64-bit : 3351 16 16 1551 44.5 % 3390 56.5 %
8 Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 3350 12 12 2922 44.1 % 3392 60.1 %
Games : 4385 (finished)
White Wins : 1082 (24.7 %)
Black Wins : 732 (16.7 %)
Draws : 2571 (58.6 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Score : 54.0 %
Black Score : 46.0 %
Individual statistics:
1 asmFishW_2017-05-22_bmi2 : 3456 145 (+ 52,= 80,- 13), 63.4 %
Komodo 11.01 64-bit : 73 (+ 27,= 39,- 7), 63.7 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 72 (+ 25,= 41,- 6), 63.2 %
2 asmFishW_2016-12-17_bmi2 : 3430 1551 (+509,=878,-164), 61.1 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 775 (+239,=464,- 72), 60.8 %
Komodo 10.3 64-bit : 776 (+270,=414,- 92), 61.5 %
3 asmFishW_2017-04-26_bmi2 : 3425 366 (+104,=230,- 32), 59.8 %
Komodo 10.4 64-bit : 183 (+ 56,=107,- 20), 59.8 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 183 (+ 48,=123,- 12), 59.8 %
4 asmFishW_2017-03-15_bmi2 : 3424 861 (+257,=514,- 90), 59.7 %
Komodo 10.4 64-bit : 431 (+121,=254,- 56), 57.5 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 430 (+136,=260,- 34), 61.9 %
5 Komodo 11.01 64-bit : 3369 146 (+ 29,= 74,- 43), 45.2 %
asmFishW_2017-05-22_bmi2 : 73 (+ 7,= 39,- 27), 36.3 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 73 (+ 22,= 35,- 16), 54.1 %
6 Komodo 10.4 64-bit : 3360 1228 (+201,=732,-295), 46.2 %
asmFishW_2017-04-26_bmi2 : 183 (+ 20,=107,- 56), 40.2 %
asmFishW_2017-03-15_bmi2 : 431 (+ 56,=254,-121), 42.5 %
Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext : 614 (+125,=371,-118), 50.6 %